ewSMSalert is a new tool for Earthworm systems users, providing earthquake information via text messages sent to mobile phones using an SMS modem. This tool enables operators to instantly share earthquake details with their users, even if the internet is down. Many SMS services rely on an internet gateway, which becomes useless if the central Earthworm computer loses internet connectivity. With ISTI’s ewSMSalert tool and a hardware modem, you receive up-to-date earthquake reports directly from your network. The SMS messages sent by our tool include magnitude, origin time, latitude and longitude, depth, and distance to the nearest city.
In addition to maintaining the Earthworm source code, ISTI provides commercial support for Earthworm in the form of installation, upgrades, new software development, and training. One of our more popular tools is EZ Earthworm (EZW), which allows for easy, quick, and remote microseismic monitoring.
Companion Tool
In addition to handling automated earthquake messages from Earthworm, we have a companion tool called sei2ew that allows you to push a SEISAN file back to an Earthworm ring, which in turn can be used to trigger an ewSMSalert instance.
ISTI is available to customize our tool to meet your needs. For instance, we can provide a version that talks to SeisNetWatch to alert you when stations go down in your network or if one of your servers goes offline.