
AQMS is the real-time and post-processing wrapper around the Earthworm automated earthquake detection system used by the majority of Regional Seismic Networks in the United States and the volcano observatories.

New! Version 8 of Earthworm is out now! Earthworm is an open source (not to be confused with open architecture) software system used globally for regional and local network seismology.

EZ Earthworm
EZ Earthworm (EZW) is ISTI’s exclusive Earthworm package designed to make Earthquake monitoring easier.

ewSMSalert provides a new tool for Earthworm systems users to obtain an earthquake information text message sent to mobile phones using an SMS modem. This tool lets operators provide instant information about earthquakes happening within their network directly to their users, even if the internet is down.

ISTI is collaborating with the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN, to develop a next-generation earthquake notification system that alerts users, in near real-time, of seismic data and vital earthquake hazard information following a significant event.

SeisComP is released under the AGPL license. SeisComP is a registered trademark of Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

SeisNetWatch allows seismic network operators to monitor and manage the State of Health (SOH) of their networks or other networks distributed across the Internet. If you are worried about monitoring data quality and flow, then SeisNetWatch is the tool for you!

ShakeMap is an open source tool developed by the USGS for creating and displaying maps of strong-ground motion in near-real time, including peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), macroseismic intensity (MMI), and peak response spectral acceleration amplitudes (at 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 sec periods).