Salt Water Disposal Well Seismic Monitoring

Enhancing safety for operational and community areas.

Manage the risk of induced seismicity associated with disposal well operations.

Regulatory Agencies encourage operators of disposal wells and sites to be prepared to assess, mitigate, and minimize the risk of induced seismicity. This can be achieved through monitoring techniques that provide hazard assessments, site characterization, and essential data for operational considerations.

ISTI Seismic Monitoring Services aligns with the regulatory framework for managing and disposing of produced water in major oil and gas regions across North America.

Comply with jurisdictional regulations and develop operational and response plans to prevent operational shutdowns.

ISTI ensures existing and new disposal sites operate safely by implementing a comprehensive, proactive monitoring system that shares data with operators and uses publicly accessible networks as necessary.

Our stations are equipped with regulatory-compliant equipment, enabling operators to assess disposal wells performance and qualify for higher injection rate permits.

Leverage your data to make informed decisions.

Operators are required to update regulatory agencies after reviewing public databases. But understanding local conditions and risks is even more important. This is especially true for injection into geological formations, whether shallow or deep. Such knowledge benefits communities and critical infrastructure, as well as the operators themselves.

It helps maintain safety, prevents restricted access to wells, and reduces injection permit reevaluation times. Regulators assess seismic events through public networks.

A targeted seismic monitoring network provides a better grasp of local risks. It boosts confidence in decisions.

Benefits of a private seismic monitoring system:

• Utilizing local seismic stations at Salt Water Disposal sites improves the assessment of current seismic activity by providing additional measurements that enhance regional public and private seismic networks.
• Develop a customized Seismic Activity Response Plan tailored to specific geological, geophysical, geo-mechanical, and operational conditions to address local induced seismicity risks and their potential impact on surrounding communities.
• By setting up a local network and a real-time alert service, operators can overcome regional networks' broad data-sampling limits. This will allow for more precise identification of the location and depth of small triggered events. It will improve data processing and magnitude estimation.

Pricing is available upon request

Our team can help with your Salt Water Disposal Well Seismic Monitoring needs.

For more information, please contact us.

Leveraging Your Safety with Our Expertise

Let us help you build a seismic network, analyze your data, or develop custom analysis software to meet your needs.
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