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ISTI’s wide range of software products are used in seismic data centers for automatic event detection, processing, post processing, and network management:

  • Contract support to the USGS for the development and maintenance of core Earthworm. ISTI is best known as the company behind Earthworm support and training.

  • Advanced Quake Monitoring System (AQMS). This is the next generation of Earthworm, used by the US Regional Seismic Networks and others.

  • EZEarthworm. Another ISTI product built around Earthworm, EZEarthworm facilitates straightforward deployment of Earthworm instances and provides a web interface to Earthworm.

  • SeisNetWatch. A user interface for monitoring the State-of-Health of seismic network assets, SeisNetWatch is just one of several ISTI-developed software tools that integrate with Earthworm. These integration tools enhance the user experience and add the capabilities to fully manage a mission-critical seismic network.

  • SeisComP software and support.

ISTI’s experts in seismic data center software, including Earthworm and SeisComP, provide unparalleled software and support for any of your projects.